Introduction to \(\LaTeX\) (pdf)
I developed and delivered a practice-oriented one day course “Introduction to \(\LaTeX\)” for postgraduate students. The lecture notes and handouts are available below:
1. | Introduction to \(\LaTeX\) | (pdf) |
2. | Mathematics in \(\LaTeX\) | (pdf) |
3. | Graphics and Tables in \(\LaTeX\) | (pdf) |
4. | Bibliography Management | (pdf) |
5. | Using the muthesis \(\LaTeX\) Class |
(pdf) |
6. | Using the IEEEtran \(\LaTeX\) Class |
(pdf) |
7. | Creating Presentations with beamer |
(pdf) |
8. | Creating Posters with sciposter |
(pdf) |
9. | Creating Indices with makeidx |
(pdf) |
10. | Creating Glossaries with glossaries |
(pdf) |
11. | Conclusion | (pdf) |